Pointe Realty Group Blog

Why changing your HVAC Filters are So Important!

Pointe Realty Group - Monday, October 5, 2020
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Did you know that each Resident that rents through Pointe Realty Group is required to change the HVAC filter every other month?

The air filter’s job is to keep dust and debris out of the HVAC equipment. You would be amazed how much builds up in a short amount of time.  

When the filter gets clogged, dust and dirt start getting into the HVAC unit itself, causing wear and tear on the parts. If the filter is clogged up, it also prevents the proper amount of air from flowing through the system.

Our Residents that rent through Pointe Realty Group are required to change their air filters every other month. Additionally, we advise our Residents that changing the filter can also reduce the cost of their electric bill. 

Ensuring that HVAC filters are clean can go a long way when it comes to receiving the best product services from your system. 

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